Selasa, 02 Juni 2020


Mengenal Lebih Jauh Tentang Blogspot / Blogger

  A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information an also a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on their individual subject. On this occasion, the teacher can use blogs to publish assignments, resources, and keep students and parents up to date on class events, due dates, and content. Using a blog also helps student mastering their writing skills and the student has the freedom to publish their content. Blogger is a platform to publish a blog, to start you need to know the step.
1. Sign in to Blogger
2. After finishing sign in, Click New blog
3. Enter name for your blog
4. Choose blog address or URL
5. Choose template
6. Create blog

The more detail of using a blog, just click here
The link below is an example of blog that used for giving information about teaching and learning English. 


Best Podcast Illustrations, Royalty-Free #878374 - PNG Images - PNGio
     Podcast is an audio program, just like radio a series of spoken words and focused on particular topic or theme. The benefit of podcasts can be access the learning resource anytime, anywhere, with very little effort. Teachers also can produce podcasts after some basic training in their own time.  Before starting the podcast, choose a topic something that feels passionate about. after choosing the topic, create a description of the podcast's show. Don't forget to prepare the equipment for recording the podcast, it can be a professional microphone or the other kind of recorder. Next, record the podcast, it can be 15/30 minutes or more and edit it. The last, podcast can be published to podcast platforms, Soundcloud can be a platform to publish the podcast but you should have the Soundcloud account. Finally, the podcast is launched.
Below is example of a podcast for teaching listening. it is about the culture's shock experience.
Just click this link to hear the podcast


Pixton | Apps For Trainers

    Comic is used to express narratives or other ideas through images, usually combined with text. it typically takes the form of the sequence images. Pixton is one of the tools that can be used for making comics. Pixton allows students to apply content knowledge and generate new forms and also the student can imagine new scenarios for historical characters, recreate past events visually, and interpret primary sources through a comic strip. To start the comic through Pixton, just go to the website Pixton
The detail how to make a comic in Pixton just click here  
Below is one of the example using comic through Pixton. This comic is for senior high school students about making opinion.

Hot Potatoes

Membuat Bahan Uji (Soal) Interaktif Dengan Hot Potatoes | fatkoer ...

Hot potatoes is a set of interactive production web-based teaching exercise which can be delivered to any user. This program is very useful to help students interested in practicing some exercises. as the teacher could create interactive exercises by adding a reading text, timer, sound, video, graphics, and link. There are six programs on the Hot Potatoes, they are JCloze, JQuiz, JCross, JMatch, JMix, and The Masher.
1.  JCloze is a test in which words have been removed from short pieces of writing and student have to write what they think are the correct words in empty. 
2. JCross is a game that is written the answer to questions in the pattern of number boxes. Students write up words by answering written questions.
3. JMix is a jumbled-sentences where students can choose among several answers.
4. JMatch is a test to match the true answer. there are two lists of words or sentences, or pictures, which should be matched.
5. JQuiz is a game or exercise that should be answered. it can be multiple choices, short answer, or multi-select questions.

To download the Hot Potatoes software just click this link Download Hot Potatoes

These are the example using Hot Potatoe for teaching. There is a lesson plan that supports Hot Potatoes' program just click this Lesson Plan  and Click the link for the exercise the Hot Potatoes The Excercise of Hot Potatoes 


Introduction to Tiki-Toki Timelines - YouTube

Tiki-Toki is web-based for creating a timeline on the browser and can be shared through the Internet. For a teacher, Tiki-Toki is excellent for demonstrating history or events flow and connect. The student can organize information for their own understanding of events in historical time. Tiki-Toki will be beneficial for the teacher to spend time getting to know the program and its features before introducing it to students. Before using Tiki-Toki you need to have an account. 
First go to and sign up. you can go to your account's page to start creating your timeline. After you have added all of your basic information, create your timeline by pressing the"Create new timeline" button at the bottom of the form. Now you have a blank timeline and our can entry your work there. The link below is one of the example of a timeline using Tiki-Toki. It is about The Succesful Woman in Kardashian Family

Minggu, 31 Mei 2020

Google Document

Google Dokumen - Aplikasi di Google Play

Google Document is an online word processor that lets you create and format documents and work in other people. In teaching, Google Docs can be used for students and teachers to collaborate on assignments, projects, newsletters, and other things so It builds teamwork for everyone. Students are able to develop or edit documents online, share their opinion through comment, and do discussions together virtually from different places or times. The teacher also can monitor the progress every work easily, review student assessment, and provide comments and feedback immediately. To start the Google Docs these are the steps:
1. Go to Google Docs ( It can be open through type in the browser tab and Gmail directly
2. Sign In. Type your Gmail email address and password.
3. In the top left, under "Start a new document,"  and Click New

For more detail to start Google Docs, link below will help to do

 Link below is one of example of using Google Docs for teaching writing. This is a group assessment containing three student to write about website that they mostly visit. Favorite Website

Kamis, 28 Mei 2020

The History of Indonesia's Curriculum

curriculum-clipart-6 - New Garden Elementary School

The changes of the curriculum in Indonesia aim to adjust the development of Indonesia education to better quality and follow with economic and technological development. Therefore, 
all national curriculums are designed based n the same foundation Pancasila and UUD 1945. 
The link below is the explanation of the history of Indonesia curriculum since 1947 until the 2013 Curriculum through video. Hope you enjoy it.

Senin, 25 Mei 2020


Simple Collaborative Mind Maps & Flow Charts - Coggle

Coggle is an online tool for creating and sharing mindmaps. Coggle is structured notes, information sharing, brainstorming and etc. This is a platform to build mind maps online. Using Coggle makes it easier to arrange your concept and also you can choose to keep your ideas personal or share with your workmates and other people. It lets people work on a single mind maps at the same time and the features can be completed for completing a diagram. 

 Coogle has main features such as:
1. Secret Diagram Link
2. Automatic Change Save
3. Real-Time Collaboration
4. Image Uploads
5. Floating Text ad Images
6. Loops and Branches
7. Private Diagrams
8, Multiple Starting Points

This picture show you steps of using Mind maps

This is an example of Coggle for teaching English for Junior High School students about the kinds of pronouns. Students can analyze the pronoun easily.

Minggu, 24 Mei 2020


Integrated Marketing Resources | LRG Marketing

This is a platform for teachers and students to share and provide online resources and worksheets freely. Teacher can download all teaching materials freely. Not only the platform for teaching English, but it also has German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian.

British Council
British Council is created for adult learners. It starts by taking free English tests to help to find the level of user and fins lessons and resources to improve English skills. This gets more practice to improve general English with listening and reading material and use the grammar and vocabulary.

Teaching young learners has different ways to teach. This resource has a huge library of lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets, classroom readers and etc. It also shares teaching tips, hints and advice, and making this site a useful place for teachers.

Imitation is one of speaking practice to improve speaking skills and also reduce your accent and pronunciation problem quickly.

Tools for Teacher

Teacher Tools Stock Illustrations – 1,408 Teacher Tools Stock ...

This is tools to do assessment in a fun and engage way for the student of all ages. This can be played by the student using any kind of device with a browser. Teachers have multiple options to customize their quiz session.

Playposit is an interactive web-based video platform that allows the teacher to provide a formative listening assessment. The teacher can embed quiz-type into the video on Youtube and others. 

Starfall is a web to teach children to read. It emphasizes phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics, and common sight word in conjunction with audiovisual.

This is platform to learn English that combines online learning. Every skill can be improved from the platform. 

This is a platform for learning writing. Writing better stories and essays with some help from Quillpad, the fun website that seeks to get student excited about writing.

Senin, 18 Mei 2020


Animaker, Inc. - Animated Videos, Done Right! | Startup Ranking

Nowadays the use of technology seemed to be preferred by students for their daily learning activities,  Materials can be provided in the form of text, audio, video, animation, and a combination of those mentioned. Video animations also can be a tool to explain some materials in the class interestingly.  Animaker is an online do-it-yourself (#DIY) animation video maker that brings studio quality presentations within everyone's reach. By using Animaker, the student can provide their English skill, for example, they can create a story in the form of video animation and It can be added of their voice so they also practice writing and speaking skill. To make Animaker you can just make an account of Animaker and log in

This is one of the examples of video animations which is about How to Start First Day at School for Junior High School's Student


Click here

The Advantages of Using Technology for the Teacher

Sales Professionals, Have No Fear: Technology is Here to Help, Not ...

Nowadays, Technology has helped the teacher to improve their teaching. For example, teachers also can use many online apps or online resources to make students more engaged. What else? for more details, you can check this video about the advantages of Using Technology for the teacher.

I hope you enjoy!

About me

Hi Folks, 

My name is Caesara Fitri Nugrahghini, everyone calls me Caesara. I am just a student of English Language Education Department and I am in the 4th semester. English brings me to explore many languages in this world and take me to big dreams. I hope this exploration will be distributed usefully to everyone especially English learners and teachers.